الرئيسية / أخبار / آلاف الإسبانيات يتظاهرن فى “بامبلونا” للمطالبة بحقوق المرأة
Women covering their faces with black scarves demonstrate, demanding women rights in Pamplona, on July 4, 2018, two days before the start of the San Fermin festival, which draws tens of thousands of visitors.
The demonstration follows the June 21 release of five men sentenced to nine years in prison for sexually abusing a woman at Pamplona's bull-running festival. The men had been accused of raping a woman, then 18, on July 7, 2016, at the start of the week-long San Fermin festival. All five, aged between 27 and 29, were convicted of sexual abuse in April but were acquitted of the more serious crime of sexual assault. The men appealed their jail terms and a Pamplona court ordered the five to be released on bail of 6,000 euros ($7,000) pending the outcome of the appeal. / AFP PHOTO / ANDER GILLENEA
Women covering their faces with black scarves demonstrate, demanding women rights in Pamplona, on July 4, 2018, two days before the start of the San Fermin festival, which draws tens of thousands of visitors. The demonstration follows the June 21 release of five men sentenced to nine years in prison for sexually abusing a woman at Pamplona's bull-running festival. The men had been accused of raping a woman, then 18, on July 7, 2016, at the start of the week-long San Fermin festival. All five, aged between 27 and 29, were convicted of sexual abuse in April but were acquitted of the more serious crime of sexual assault. The men appealed their jail terms and a Pamplona court ordered the five to be released on bail of 6,000 euros ($7,000) pending the outcome of the appeal. / AFP PHOTO / ANDER GILLENEA

آلاف الإسبانيات يتظاهرن فى “بامبلونا” للمطالبة بحقوق المرأة

تظاهرت عشرات الآلاف من الإسبانيات فى ساحات مدينة بامبلونا الإسبانية الواقع شمال المملكة، احتجاجا على إطلاق سراح خمسة رجال بعد الحكم عليهم بالسجن لمدة تسعة أعوام بتهمة الاعتداء الجنسى على امرأة فى مهرجان بامبلونا لعام 2016.

وتجمع عشرات الآلاف من السيدات اللاتى تظاهرن بأوشحة سوداء، فى شوارع مدينة بامبلونا الإسبانية، مطالبين بحقوق المرأة، وإعادة المتهمين للسجن، وفق صور نشرتها وكالة الأنباء الفرنسية.

و، أمرت محكمة فى بامبلونا بإطلاق سراح الخمسة رجال بكفالة قدرها 6000 يورو (7000 دولار)، فى انتظار استئناف الحكم من قبل النيابة العامة فى البلاد.

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